BEST Battery-Powered Coffee Makers


I. Introduction to Battery-Powered Coffee Makers


Are you tired of being dependent on electricity to make your morning coffee? Look no further than battery-powered coffee makers. These innovative devices allow you to brew your favorite coffee anytime, anywhere, without the need for a power outlet. Whether you’re camping, traveling, or simply enjoying a picnic in the park, a battery-powered coffee maker guarantees a fresh cup of joe on the go.

Battery-powered coffee makers are compact and portable, making them the perfect companion for outdoor adventures. With their lightweight design and durable construction, you can easily pack them in your backpack or carry-on luggage. Say goodbye to instant coffee or settling for mediocre brews when you’re away from home. These coffee makers ensure that you can enjoy the same quality and taste as your favorite coffee shop, even in the wilderness.

Brewing Options and Versatility

Battery-powered coffee makers offer a variety of brewing options to cater to your taste preferences. From pour-over to French press, these devices can replicate your favorite brewing methods, giving you complete control over your coffee experience. Whether you prefer a strong espresso or a smooth cappuccino, you can customize your brew to perfection.

Additionally, battery-powered coffee makers come with versatile features that enhance the brewing process. Some models have adjustable temperature settings, allowing you to enjoy your coffee at your preferred temperature. Others have built-in timers and programmable functions, so you can wake up to the aroma of freshly brewed coffee without lifting a finger.

Eco-Friendly and Cost-Effective

Using a battery-powered coffee maker is not only convenient but also eco-friendly. By eliminating the need for disposable coffee pods or filters, you contribute to reducing waste and minimizing your carbon footprint. These coffee makers are also energy-efficient, as they only consume power when brewing, making them a cost-effective choice in the long run.

Furthermore, battery-powered coffee makers are designed to be user-friendly, with simple controls and easy maintenance. Cleaning and descaling are hassle-free, ensuring that you spend more time enjoying your coffee and less time on maintenance tasks.


Battery-powered coffee makers have revolutionized the way we enjoy our favorite beverage. With their portability, brewing options, and eco-friendly features, these devices offer a convenient and reliable coffee brewing solution for coffee lovers on the move. Invest in a battery-powered coffee maker today and never settle for subpar coffee again, no matter where you are.

II. Benefits and Advantages of Battery-Powered Coffee Makers


Battery-powered coffee makers have quickly become a popular choice for coffee enthusiasts who are always on the go. With their portability and convenience, they offer a range of benefits and advantages that make them a must-have for anyone who loves their coffee anytime, anywhere.

1. Portability

One of the greatest advantages of battery-powered coffee makers is their portability. Whether you are camping in the wilderness, traveling in an RV, or simply heading to the office, these coffee makers allow you to enjoy a freshly brewed cup of coffee wherever you are. No need to rely on finding a nearby coffee shop or settling for instant coffee. With a battery-powered coffee maker, you can have your favorite cup of java no matter where your adventures take you.

2. Convenience

Battery-powered coffee makers offer unmatched convenience. They are designed to be lightweight and compact, making them easy to carry and store. Simply charge the battery, add water and coffee grounds, and press a button to brew your coffee. The simplicity of the process allows you to enjoy a delicious cup of coffee in a matter of minutes, without any hassle or complicated setup. Plus, some models even come with a built-in mug, eliminating the need for additional cups or travel mugs.

3. Energy Efficiency

Battery-powered coffee makers are energy-efficient and environmentally friendly. They are designed to use minimal power, allowing you to brew multiple cups of coffee on a single charge. This not only saves you money on electricity but also reduces your carbon footprint. So, you can enjoy your coffee guilt-free, knowing that you are minimizing your impact on the environment.

4. Versatility

Battery-powered coffee makers offer great versatility. They are not limited to brewing only coffee but can also be used to make tea, hot chocolate, and even soup. This makes them a versatile companion for outdoor enthusiasts, travelers, and anyone who appreciates a hot beverage on the go. With a battery-powered coffee maker, you can enjoy a variety of beverages to suit your mood and preferences.

5. Cost-Effective

Investing in a battery-powered coffee maker can save you money in the long run. Instead of spending your hard-earned cash on expensive coffee shop drinks, you can brew your own high-quality coffee at a fraction of the cost. Over time, the savings can add up significantly, allowing you to enjoy your favorite coffee without breaking the bank.

III. Factors to Consider When Choosing a Battery-Powered Coffee Maker


When it comes to choosing a battery-powered coffee maker, there are several factors to consider that can help you make the best decision. Whether you’re an outdoor enthusiast, a frequent traveler, or simply someone who values convenience, finding the right coffee maker that meets your needs is essential. Here are some key factors to keep in mind:

1. Portability

One of the main reasons for choosing a battery-powered coffee maker is its portability. Consider the size and weight of the coffee maker to ensure it is compact enough to fit in your backpack or travel bag without taking up too much space. Look for models that are lightweight and designed for on-the-go use.

2. Battery Life

The battery life of a coffee maker is crucial, especially if you plan to use it for an extended period of time or during long trips. Check the specifications to determine how long the battery can last on a single charge. Opt for models with longer battery life, so you can enjoy multiple cups of coffee without worrying about constantly recharging.

3. Brewing Capacity

Consider how many cups of coffee you need to brew at once. Some battery-powered coffee makers can only make one cup at a time, while others have a larger brewing capacity. If you’re traveling alone, a single-serve coffee maker might be sufficient. However, if you’re camping with a group or want to enjoy coffee throughout the day, choose a model with a larger brewing capacity.

4. Brew Time

The time it takes to brew a cup of coffee can vary from one battery-powered coffee maker to another. If you’re always on the go and need your caffeine fix quickly, look for models that offer fast brewing times. However, keep in mind that brewing speed should not compromise the quality of the coffee.

5. Ease of Use and Cleaning

Look for coffee makers that are user-friendly and easy to operate. Check if they have intuitive controls and clear instructions. Additionally, consider the cleaning process. Choose a coffee maker with removable parts that are dishwasher safe or easy to clean with minimal effort.

By considering these factors, you can find the perfect battery-powered coffee maker that aligns with your needs and preferences. Whether you’re enjoying a hot cup of coffee in the great outdoors or need a convenient option for your travels, a reliable battery-powered coffee maker will ensure you never have to compromise on the quality of your brew.

IV. How Battery-Powered Coffee Makers Work


Are you tired of being limited by the availability of electricity when you’re craving a cup of coffee on your outdoor adventures? Look no further than battery-powered coffee makers! These innovative devices allow you to brew your favorite coffee anytime, anywhere, without the need for a power outlet. But have you ever wondered how these portable coffee makers actually work? Let’s dive in and find out!

The Brewing Process

Just like traditional coffee makers, battery-powered coffee makers rely on the same fundamental brewing process to extract the rich flavors and aromas from your coffee grounds. Firstly, you’ll need to add water to the reservoir of the coffee maker. Some models come with pre-determined water capacity, while others allow you to adjust the amount of water according to your preference.

Next, you’ll need to fill the coffee filter with your chosen coffee grounds. Ensure that you use the appropriate grind size for your battery-powered coffee maker to ensure optimal extraction. Once the coffee grounds are in place, simply press the brewing button, and the machine will start heating the water to the ideal brewing temperature.

Heat Generation

Battery-powered coffee makers utilize various methods to generate the necessary heat for brewing. One common approach is through the use of integrated heating elements, which are powered by rechargeable batteries. These heating elements are designed to heat the water quickly and efficiently, allowing for a speedy brewing process even when you’re on the go.

Other models may utilize portable propane stoves or butane burners to heat the water externally before transferring it to the brewing chamber. This alternative method ensures a reliable heat source, especially in situations where battery life is a concern.

Power Source

As mentioned earlier, battery-powered coffee makers rely on rechargeable batteries to provide the necessary power for brewing. These batteries can usually be charged through a standard wall outlet or via a car adapter, making it convenient to recharge them before your next adventure. The battery life will vary depending on the model and usage, so it’s important to choose a coffee maker that suits your specific needs.

Portability and Convenience

Battery-powered coffee makers are designed with portability and convenience in mind. They are lightweight and compact, making them easy to carry in your backpack or camping gear. Some models even come with insulated travel mugs, allowing you to enjoy your freshly brewed coffee on the move without worrying about spills or temperature loss.

Additionally, these coffee makers often feature user-friendly controls and intuitive interfaces, ensuring a hassle-free brewing experience. Whether you’re a frequent traveler, a camping enthusiast, or simply someone who enjoys the freedom of brewing coffee anywhere, battery-powered coffee makers are a game-changer.

So, the next time you’re planning an outdoor adventure or find yourself in a situation where electricity is limited, don’t compromise on your coffee cravings. Invest in a reliable battery-powered coffee maker and savor your favorite cup of joe wherever your journey takes you!

V. Popular Brands of Battery-Powered Coffee Makers


When it comes to battery-powered coffee makers, there are several popular brands that have gained recognition for their quality and performance. These brands offer innovative solutions for coffee lovers who want the convenience of brewing coffee on the go, without the need for electricity. Let’s take a closer look at some of the leading brands in the market:

1. BrewMug

BrewMug has established itself as a reliable brand in the battery-powered coffee maker industry. Their coffee makers are compact, making them perfect for camping trips or traveling. With a focus on durability and efficiency, BrewMug offers a range of features including adjustable brewing strength and a spill-proof design. Users can enjoy a hot cup of coffee within minutes, anytime and anywhere.

2. PowerBrew

PowerBrew is a brand known for its powerful battery-powered coffee makers. With a sleek and modern design, their coffee makers are not only functional but also aesthetically pleasing. PowerBrew coffee makers are equipped with advanced brewing technology to ensure a rich and flavorful cup of coffee. They also offer customization options, allowing users to adjust the brewing temperature and time according to their preferences.

3. PortableCafe

PortableCafe focuses on creating coffee makers that prioritize portability and convenience. Their compact and lightweight designs make it easy for users to take their coffee makers on outdoor adventures or road trips. PortableCafe coffee makers are designed to be user-friendly, with simple controls and easy-to-clean components. Despite their small size, these coffee makers deliver delicious and aromatic coffee every time.

4. GoBrew

GoBrew is a brand that understands the needs of coffee enthusiasts who are always on the move. Their battery-powered coffee makers are designed for durability, ensuring that they can withstand rough handling during outdoor activities. GoBrew offers a range of coffee maker models, each with unique features such as a built-in grinder or a thermal carafe. With GoBrew, coffee lovers can enjoy a freshly brewed cup of coffee wherever their adventures take them.

5. CoffeeExpress

CoffeeExpress is a renowned brand in the battery-powered coffee maker industry. They have gained a loyal customer base due to the reliability and performance of their coffee makers. CoffeeExpress offers a wide range of models, catering to different brewing preferences and budgets. From single-serve coffee makers to larger capacity options, CoffeeExpress has something for everyone.

These popular brands have revolutionized the way coffee is brewed on the go. With their innovative designs and advanced features, battery-powered coffee makers have become a must-have for coffee enthusiasts who value convenience and quality. Whether you’re camping, traveling, or simply want to enjoy a hot cup of coffee anywhere, these brands have got you covered.

VI. Frequently Asked Questions about Battery-Powered Coffee Makers

Are you considering buying a battery-powered coffee maker but have some questions about how they work and whether they are worth the investment? Look no further! In this section, we will address some of the most frequently asked questions about battery-powered coffee makers to help you make an informed decision.

1. How do battery-powered coffee makers work?

Battery-powered coffee makers function by utilizing rechargeable batteries to power the brewing process. They typically have a compact design and are portable, allowing you to enjoy a cup of coffee on the go.

2. Are battery-powered coffee makers as efficient as traditional models?

While battery-powered coffee makers may not offer the same brewing capacity as traditional models, they are designed to provide convenience and mobility. They are ideal for outdoor activities such as camping, hiking, or traveling.

3. How long does a fully charged battery last?

The battery life of a battery-powered coffee maker depends on various factors such as the capacity of the battery, the brewing time, and the power settings used. Generally, you can expect a fully charged battery to last for multiple brewing cycles or several hours of continuous use.

4. Can I use my battery-powered coffee maker with both ground coffee and coffee pods?

Yes, many battery-powered coffee makers are designed to accommodate both ground coffee and coffee pods, providing you with flexibility and options based on your preferences.

5. Are battery-powered coffee makers easy to clean?

Most battery-powered coffee makers are designed with convenience in mind, including easy-to-clean features. They often have removable parts that can be washed separately, making the cleaning process hassle-free.

6. Can battery-powered coffee makers brew other hot beverages besides coffee?

While coffee is the primary beverage associated with battery-powered coffee makers, some models offer the versatility to brew other hot beverages such as tea, hot chocolate, or even soups. Check the product specifications to see if it suits your desired brewing needs.

7. Do battery-powered coffee makers have safety features?

Yes, most battery-powered coffee makers come with safety features such as automatic shut-off to prevent overheating or overbrewing. Additionally, they often have spill-proof lids and secure seals to avoid any accidents while on the move.

8. How long does it take for a battery-powered coffee maker to brew a cup of coffee?

The brewing time varies depending on the model and brewing method. On average, it takes around 5 to 10 minutes for a battery-powered coffee maker to brew a cup of coffee.

9. Are battery-powered coffee makers noisy?

Battery-powered coffee makers are designed to operate quietly, ensuring a peaceful brewing experience wherever you are. You can enjoy your coffee without the noise associated with traditional coffee makers.

10. Can I use a battery-powered coffee maker while it’s charging?

It is generally not recommended to use a battery-powered coffee maker while it is charging. It is best to wait until the battery is fully charged before using it for brewing.

Now that you have some answers to your burning questions about battery-powered coffee makers, you can confidently choose the right one for your needs and enjoy a freshly brewed cup of coffee anytime and anywhere!

VII. Best Battery-Powered Coffee Makers on the Market

1. Wacaco Nanopresso Portable Espresso Maker

Wacaco Nanopresso Portable Espresso Maker is a must-have for coffee lovers who are constantly on the go. This compact and lightweight espresso maker allows you to enjoy a delicious cup of coffee anytime, anywhere. Whether you’re camping, traveling, or simply in need of a quick caffeine fix, the Nanopresso delivers exceptional coffee quality with its innovative design.

One of the reasons why people prefer the Wacaco Nanopresso is its ease of use. It doesn’t require any batteries or electricity, making it perfect for outdoor adventures or when you’re in a location without power. Simply add your favorite ground coffee and hot water, then manually pump the piston to create the perfect espresso shot. It’s that simple!

In addition to its portability and simplicity, the Nanopresso boasts several impressive features. It uses a patented pumping system that reaches a maximum of 18 bars of stable pressure, resulting in a rich and flavorful espresso with a thick crema. The coffee extraction process is smooth and efficient, ensuring optimal taste every time. The Nanopresso also includes a built-in espresso cup and a detachable water tank, making it even more convenient to use.

When it comes to warranty and service, Wacaco offers a one-year warranty for the Nanopresso. This gives users peace of mind knowing that their purchase is protected against any potential manufacturing defects. In case of any issues, the company has a reliable customer service team that is readily available to assist customers and provide necessary support.

What do other users think about the Wacaco Nanopresso? The general consensus is overwhelmingly positive. Users praise its compact size, excellent build quality, and exceptional espresso flavor. Many have found it to be a game-changer for their outdoor adventures, allowing them to enjoy a quality espresso without sacrificing convenience.

As with any product, there are a few cons to consider. Some users have mentioned that the pumping action can be a bit tiring, especially if you’re making multiple shots of espresso. Additionally, the water tank capacity is limited, so you may need to refill it more frequently. However, these minor drawbacks are easily outweighed by the overall performance and portability of the Nanopresso.

In conclusion, the Wacaco Nanopresso Portable Espresso Maker is a top choice for coffee enthusiasts who want to enjoy a high-quality espresso on the go. Its compact design, ease of use, and excellent coffee extraction make it a reliable companion for any adventure. With a one-year warranty and positive feedback from users, the Nanopresso is definitely a worthwhile investment for coffee lovers.

2. Makita DCM501Z Cordless Coffee Maker

In the world of cordless coffee makers, the Makita DCM501Z stands out as a top contender. Built with quality and convenience in mind, this battery-powered coffee maker offers a unique solution for coffee lovers on the go.

One of the main reasons why people prefer the Makita DCM501Z is its portability. With no need for a power outlet, you can enjoy a freshly brewed cup of coffee anywhere, whether you’re camping, on a road trip, or simply relaxing in your backyard. This coffee maker is designed to be compact and lightweight, making it easy to carry around.

Featuring a 240ml water reservoir, the Makita DCM501Z can brew up to three 5-ounce cups of coffee on a single charge. The battery life is impressive, allowing you to enjoy multiple cups before needing to recharge. It also has a dedicated battery port, so you can easily swap out dead batteries with fully charged ones.

One notable feature of the Makita DCM501Z is its compatibility with both ground coffee and single-serve coffee pods. This versatility ensures that you have options when it comes to choosing your preferred coffee. The coffee maker also includes a removable filter, making it easy to clean and maintain.

When it comes to warranty and service, Makita is known for its excellent customer support. The DCM501Z comes with a standard manufacturer’s warranty, ensuring peace of mind in case of any defects or issues. Makita is also renowned for its reliable and durable products, so you can trust that this coffee maker is built to last.

What do other users think about the Makita DCM501Z? The general consensus is positive, with many praising its performance, ease of use, and the quality of coffee it produces. Users appreciate its ability to make coffee quickly and efficiently, without compromising on taste. It has become a go-to choice for outdoor enthusiasts and busy individuals who need their coffee fix wherever they are.

As with any product, there are pros and cons to consider. Some users find the price point slightly higher compared to traditional coffee makers, but they acknowledge that the convenience and portability make up for it. The battery life may not be as long as expected for heavy coffee drinkers, but having extra batteries can easily solve this issue.

In conclusion, the Makita DCM501Z cordless coffee maker is a reliable and convenient choice for coffee lovers who are always on the move. Its portability, compatibility with different coffee options, and reliable performance make it a standout in the battery-powered coffee maker market. With the Makita brand’s reputation for quality and customer service, this coffee maker is a great investment for anyone looking to enjoy a hot cup of coffee wherever they may be.

3. BLACK+DECKER DCM18S Brew ‘n Go Personal Coffeemaker

When it comes to convenience and quality, the BLACK+DECKER DCM18S Brew ‘n Go Personal Coffeemaker is a top choice for many coffee lovers. This compact and portable coffeemaker allows you to enjoy a fresh cup of coffee wherever you go, whether it’s on a camping trip, at your office desk, or in the comfort of your own home.

One of the reasons why people prefer this coffeemaker is its simplicity. It’s incredibly easy to use – simply add water, insert your favorite coffee grounds into the included filter, and press the brew button. Within minutes, you’ll have a piping hot cup of coffee ready to be enjoyed. Its compact design also makes it ideal for small spaces, such as dorm rooms or RVs.

Aside from its simplicity, the BLACK+DECKER DCM18S Brew ‘n Go Personal Coffeemaker offers a range of features that enhance the overall coffee drinking experience. The permanent filter eliminates the need for disposable paper filters, saving you money and reducing waste. The included travel mug with a lid keeps your coffee hot while on the go, preventing spills and ensuring that your coffee stays fresh.

One standout feature of this coffeemaker is its built-in auto shutoff function. After brewing, the machine automatically turns off, saving energy and reducing the risk of accidents. This is especially useful for busy individuals who may forget to turn off their coffeemaker in the rush of the morning.

BLACK+DECKER is known for its commitment to customer satisfaction, and the Brew ‘n Go Personal Coffeemaker is no exception. The product comes with a 2-year warranty, providing peace of mind and assurance of its durability. In case any issues arise, the BLACK+DECKER customer service team is readily available to assist you.

It’s always helpful to hear from other users before making a purchase, and the BLACK+DECKER DCM18S Brew ‘n Go Personal Coffeemaker has received positive feedback from many satisfied customers. Users appreciate its compact size, easy operation, and the quality of coffee it produces. Some have even mentioned that it outperforms larger and more expensive coffee machines in terms of taste.

As with any product, there are pros and cons to consider. One potential drawback of this coffeemaker is its limited capacity, as it brews a single cup of coffee at a time. If you’re brewing for a larger group, it may not be the most efficient option. Additionally, some users have mentioned that the travel mug could be of better quality.

In conclusion, the BLACK+DECKER DCM18S Brew ‘n Go Personal Coffeemaker is a reliable and convenient choice for coffee enthusiasts on the go. With its simplicity, range of features, and positive user reviews, it offers a great brewing experience. Whether you’re a busy professional or an adventurous traveler, this coffeemaker is sure to satisfy your caffeine cravings.

4. Presto MyJo Single Cup Coffee Maker

The Presto MyJo Single Cup Coffee Maker is a popular choice among coffee enthusiasts looking for a convenient and portable way to brew their favorite coffee on the go. This battery-powered coffee maker offers a hassle-free brewing experience without the need for electricity or complicated machinery.

One of the main reasons people prefer the Presto MyJo Single Cup Coffee Maker is its simplicity and ease of use. With just a few simple steps, you can have a hot cup of coffee ready to enjoy. Simply fill the water reservoir, insert your favorite coffee pod, and press the brew button. The coffee maker will do the rest, delivering a freshly brewed cup of coffee in minutes.

Featuring a compact and lightweight design, the Presto MyJo Single Cup Coffee Maker is perfect for travel, camping, or even just for use at home or in the office. Its portable nature allows coffee lovers to enjoy their favorite brew anytime, anywhere.

In addition to its convenience, the Presto MyJo Single Cup Coffee Maker also offers some additional features that enhance the overall coffee brewing experience. The coffee maker includes a reusable coffee pod, which not only reduces waste but also allows users to customize their coffee strength by using their preferred ground coffee.

When it comes to warranty and service, Presto provides a one-year limited warranty for the MyJo Single Cup Coffee Maker, ensuring customers have peace of mind and confidence in their purchase.

Other users have expressed their satisfaction with the Presto MyJo Single Cup Coffee Maker. Many have praised its simplicity, compact size, and the quality of coffee it produces. The coffee maker has received positive reviews for its performance and value for money.

As with any product, there are pros and cons to consider. Some users have noted that the coffee maker requires some manual effort to pump the water, which may not be suitable for everyone. However, the overall consensus is that the pros outweigh the cons, making it a reliable and convenient choice.

In conclusion, the Presto MyJo Single Cup Coffee Maker offers a hassle-free coffee brewing experience with its simplicity, portability, and additional features. It is a popular choice among coffee lovers who enjoy the convenience of brewing their favorite coffee on the go. With positive user reviews and a one-year limited warranty, it is a reliable option for those seeking a battery-powered coffee maker.

5. Coleman QuikPot Propane Coffee Maker

Coleman QuikPot Propane Coffee Maker is a top choice for coffee enthusiasts who love the great outdoors. This portable coffee maker is designed to provide a convenient and reliable brewing experience no matter where you are. Whether you’re camping, hiking, or simply enjoying a picnic in the park, this coffee maker ensures that you can still enjoy a delicious cup of coffee.

One of the main reasons why people prefer the Coleman QuikPot Propane Coffee Maker is its ease of use. It features a simple and intuitive design that allows you to brew coffee effortlessly. With just a push of a button, you can have a piping hot cup of coffee in a matter of minutes. The propane-powered system ensures a consistent heat source, allowing for a quick and efficient brewing process.

Another great feature of this coffee maker is its portability. It is compact and lightweight, making it easy to carry on your outdoor adventures. The removable water reservoir and filter basket make it convenient to clean and maintain. It also comes with a durable carrying case, providing added protection and easy storage.

In addition to its main features, the Coleman QuikPot Propane Coffee Maker offers some additional features that enhance its functionality. It has a Pause ‘N Serve feature, which allows you to pour a cup of coffee while the brewing process is still ongoing. This is particularly useful when you can’t wait to savor that first sip.

When it comes to warranty and service, Coleman is known for its excellent customer support. They offer a generous warranty period and are always ready to assist you with any questions or concerns you may have. This gives users peace of mind knowing that their investment is protected.

The Coleman QuikPot Propane Coffee Maker has received positive feedback from other users. Many have praised its durability, performance, and the quality of coffee it produces. It is regarded as a reliable companion for outdoor enthusiasts who want to enjoy a delicious cup of java in the wilderness.

As with any product, there are pros and cons to consider. One potential drawback is that it requires propane fuel, which may not be readily available in all situations. Additionally, some users have mentioned that the brewing time can be slightly longer compared to electric coffee makers. However, the overall performance and convenience of this coffee maker outweigh these minor drawbacks.

In conclusion, the Coleman QuikPot Propane Coffee Maker is a fantastic choice for those who enjoy outdoor activities but still want to have a great cup of coffee. Its ease of use, portability, additional features, and positive user reviews make it a standout in the market. Whether you’re camping, hiking, or simply enjoying nature, this coffee maker ensures that you can always get your caffeine fix.

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